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How Does PicoSure work?
2019-12-12 14:51:18

NYDG Integral Health & Wellness offers complimentary consultations for tattoo removal so that prospective clients may interface with our providers to assess their candidacy for PicoSure and projected treatment outcomes. Effictive results depend on the tattoo age, size, color and location among other factors that may impact successful elimination of tattoo ink from the body.

Clients are offered complimentary numbing of the targeted area prior to PicoSure treatment. 15-30 minutes later, clients are comfortably situated for lasering of the desired area. PicoSure sessions typically last 5-20 minutes (contingent on size and number of tattoos treated).

Pulsed picosecond energy is focused on the tattoo, systematically breaking down targeted ink deposits. Compromised ink particles are naturally eliminated as they metabolize and exit the body, resulting in gradual lightening and removal of tattoos.

Once numbed, there is minimal discomfort associated with PicoSure treatment. Clients typically report a dull stinging sensation. Post-procedure, the treated area is dressed in pain-relieving ointment and bandaged. The bandage may be removed within one to two hours and at-home care is simple; washing with antibacterial soap and keeping the area protected with Aquaphor are recommended for at least one week post-procedure. The tattoo will be sensitive to touch and any mild swelling will dissipate within a few days