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Slimming Machine 2 Handles Body Sculpt EMSlim
2021-12-09 15:38:44

How EMS Sculptor Works?EMSlim With RF Aesthetics HI-EMT 2 Handles Body SculptIt is the latest Korean designed treatment technology for non-invasive body slimming and sculpting that builds muscle and burns fat at the same time. High intensity pulsed electromagnetic stimulation offers continuous muscle contraction without muscle relaxation, therefore allowing the muscle to work at its maximum capacity. These extreme contraction conditions require the muscle to adapt and develop muscular mass over the treated area, while burning fat.

Clinical studies report an average fat reduction of 19% associated with an increase in muscle mass of 16% during a treatment consisting of 4 to 6 sessions, spaced every 2 to 3 days. Treatments areas include abdomen, buttocks, arms and thighs.

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