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How Many PicoSure Laser Sessions Will Remove a Tattoo?
2019-12-12 14:44:49

PicoSure effectively lightens and erases tattoos of all colors with zero downtime. While individual results may vary due to variations in quality of tattoo ink among other factors, PicoSure is the most successful FDA-approved laser technology available for purposes of tattoo removal and fractional laser resurfacing of acne scars, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles with zero downtime.

The number of laser treatments required to remove tattoos varies on an individual basis. Treatment plans are determined by variables such as tattoo age, size, location and each client’s metabolism (which dictates the rate of ink elimination and healing). During the complimentary PicoSure consultation, our experienced practitioners evaluate the status of unwanted tattoos and provide a realistic timeline for removal. Most cases involve 3-6 PicoSure sessions spaced about 6 weeks apart to allow for complete metabolism of ink particles. Each client and their respective tattoo responds differently to laser treatment.

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