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How About IPL Freckle Removal Effect ?
2019-12-12 15:20:41

People are not unfamiliar with freckles. It is a common facial spotted skin problem that directly affects people's facial appearance and image and causes certain psychological pressure. IPL is a common beauty salon equipment that can carry out a variety of beauty projects and can help people solve freckles. So how about IPL to remove freckles? Now,answer your questions.

Freckles are yellowish-brown spot-like pigmentation skin diseases that occur in the sun-exposed areas. They are related to the season and the sun. IPL is an intelligent system of IPL strong pulsed light, RF radio frequency and epidermal cooling technology. IPL strong pulsed light can uniquely split the color base of the epidermis, plus the combination of RF and RF energy, maximize the role of light and heat to differentiate The pigment of freckles and spots is cracked to achieve the purpose of removing freckles. Because IPL is protected by epidermal cooling technology, it will not cause damage to normal skin tissue, and the patient's treatment experience is more comfortable.

IPL not only can remove hair, whiten and rejuvenate, but also has a good effect on freckles, no side effects, convenient, fast and safe treatment. It is recognized as an essential beauty instrument for removing freckles. IPL freckles need to be removed 3-5 times, once a month, so as to quickly remove freckles, and can also improve people's facial red bloodshot problems. IPL scarring rarely occurs after removing freckles, but it is necessary to attach great importance to postoperative care. Freckle treatment sites are fragile and easily damaged, but they will recover within a week or two. The appearance of redness and swelling is normal, and some may be more serious, but it will subside on its own, so you don't have to worry and fear too much. You should also pay attention to daily sun protection and avoid eating irritating and greasy food.

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